tisdag 6 mars 2012

En tentauppgift

Okej, här sitter man och löser elektromagnetiska uppgifter. På den sista förberedande uppgiften till tentan i kursen elektromagnetism 2 så kommer den här frågan.

The dark Lord DEMON fell in love with ELI the electron. In  the darkness he came with his
army and captured the ATOM, the palace where ELI lived happily with her loved
POSH, the positive ion. He banished POSH to infinity and imprisoned ELI on a gold
asteroid just 1 m in radius. To make sure that ELI would not run away he placed an army
of 10^-10 C of positive charges on the asteroid to guard her. Every night poor ELI could
hear the faint cry of POSH from infinity. She tried again and again to jump up and reach
to infinity but, to the delight of the dark lord DEMON, the cruel positive charges dragged
her down and clamped her tightly on to the asteroid. One day in desperation she raised
her eyes towards the heaven and asked the help of KARUNA the almighty god of
compassion. When KARUNA saw the tiny helpless creature trapped on to the asteroid his
soul trembled with compassion. He commanded his servant, the PLANE
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE to rescue her. Armed with mighty electric and magnetic
fields, it traveled towards the asteroid with the speed of light and hit it with all his might.
ELI absorbed all the energy that fell on the asteroid and, wishing either death or the
warmth of her beloved, jumped towards infinity with all her might. She landed, with a
faint sigh of relief, in POSH’s knee, completely exhausted. In appreciation of the kindness
shown towards them, they offered KARUNA the product of their union, the ultra-ultra
bright violet photon.

Now comes the fun part of the story.
If the electric field of the plane electromagnetic wave sent by KARUNA is
E_x = E_{x0} e^ -( (t - (z/c))/(10^-6))
What is the magnetic field associated with this wave? What is the value of E_{x0} ?

Får man inte en liten tår i ögat?

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